Friday, May 9, 2008


sean looks like a deer caught in the headlights !
faith , trisha and i ;)
super extra faith !
wow ! nice green pole ! ;D
retarded faith ! ;D
sister and brother (:
trisha and i , on the bus .

teevee reflection . pose 1 ; acting retarded .
sean and i (:
ain't sean the cutest ? ;P
trisha , seanie wonie pony and i ! ♥
trisha , sean and i .
teevee reflection , pose 2 ! ; SQUEEZE .
teevee reflection , pose 3 ; smile widely !
i look weird .. ahahas .
peace out yo .
trish and i @ faith's livin' room .
trish and faith !
faith , the pig-mouth ! ;D
faith and i (:
acting retarded in the lift .
squint !
what's up with faith ? ;P
kissy ! ♥
oh no , i seriously need to see a doctor .

hahahahas. finally my exams are all over ;D
oops , i really can sleep man .. i fell asleep after answering the first few questions on my exam sheet and there's a whopping total of 40 questions that have to be completed within one hour ! hahas . but i managed it ;P so exams ended at 9 and we are free to go home . but nooooooo , faith wanted to go out , hahahas . i told her i had no cash as i need to save it all up . yups ! i'm a good girl ;D so we went opposite to wait for kimmy and at the same time , think about where are we going next ! i suggested going over to my place cause there's my brother's ps2 , nitendo ds lite and my psp . hahas . so we all agreed but unfortunately , they didn't come over as faith couldn't reach her mommy cause her mommy apparently forgotten how to switch on her own handphone ! hahas . how HILARIOUS IS THAT ?!
so we went to faith's place to chill and i greedily ate 4 choco ice-cream balls ! hahahahs . they're D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S ! we kept taking pictures luh ! faith lor .. suddenly become cam whore .. hahahs . oopsies ! [faith : don't get offended arh .] hahas . so we stayed there till like 1.45 and decided we need to fill our tummies with yummies . head off to thomson plaza and met kimmy-cubs there . [p.s , kim went home earlier on. ]
we went to the foodcourt to eat and guess what ? we saw suyin and 6 teachers from our school ! [they're not there together .] it's like everywhere we turn , they're there . i felt like a prisoner surrounded by guards ...
ate lunch and then hop on the bus home . hahahas . oh yea , faith keep saying we have no life at all . after exams never go out . the thing is , i gotta save up money , faith has ballet , kim has a hanna party later [her couz getting hitched !] and trisha .. hahas . i don't know . she's very "sui bian " .
heading over to baby's later . for now , i just wana relax in my comfy adobe .
loveloves ! ♥

; i can't seem to post the photos below the post . so weird ..
and i got the job already ! ;D



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