love is really in the air .

love . it's such a big word .
yet only one special meaning .
one that only we know it ourselves .
for me ,
love is a wonderful thing .
something magical .
yet disastrous at the same time .
but , for that wonderful feeling ,
i would give everything up .
just to get that feeling back again .
some may say i'm a sucker for love .
but i don't mind .
this is me and this is who i am .
why should i bother about what people says ?
i've been trying to follow this mentality for a very long time .
but it was hard .
but now , with the correct support from all my friends and family .
i've finally learned the true lesson .
i've learnt to accept and be happy with whatever thing i've got .
and try to make the best out of it .
;D hahahas .
seems like a good start to finally walk out of my comfort zone .
one which i've been a permanent resident for almost all my earth years .
i just hope i continue to get that support .hahas .
for the past week .
it seems like a great week to me .
even though there are some mis-understandings and quarrels ,
i manged to overcome each and every one of them .
and turned the whole situation back to how i should be .
it does takes two hands to clap .
i've learnt that too .
oh yea ! me and baby caught " the dark knight " with his friends on saturday night .
it was a great movie .
hahas . 2hours and 30mins . very worth it .
and heath ledger and christian bale's acting was really up to par ! ;D
ahahas .
oh yea . one more thing !
i've finally learnt how to play MAH-JONG !
on sunday , my church friends taught me how to play it .
hahas . i'm still quite lousy , but with practice , i'm sure i can ace it ! ;D
okay okay , back to the main topic .
love is really , REALLY in the air .
most of my friends have found their one true love .
and i hope that it lasts forever .
;D i really am happy for you guys ! ;D
hahahas .
and guess what ?!
this friday is our 5th month-aversary .
hahahahs . but we're not going to celebrate it .
cause he's busy with work and we didn't plan anything at all .
it's alright ! ;D we'll just make our half-aversary a BIG BIG ONE !
hahahas . okay , i got to head back to study now .
will post soon !
Labels: xoxo ; carmenā„
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