Thursday, July 31, 2008
Leaves are drifting,
in the summer cooling breeze.
The feel so lifting,
he tugs my blouse, teasing.
We sat by the beach,
gazing into the horizon.
As we watched the sun set,
it felt like it was just another sun rise.
For in our lives,
the sun never sets.
Ever constant, everlasting.
One little piggy, One little ruppy..
My little piggy, my little ruppy.
Monday, July 28, 2008
ironic .
life is kinda rocky these few days .
i'm actually quite messed up but that's all part of life aye ?
after reading what weishi posted on her blog .
i kinda wished i was brave enough to post what she had posted .
i've always wanted to tell him all those .
tell him what to do in different situations .
but i ain't got the guts and courage .
so yea .
bravo weishi . i'm glad that you posted it up ;)
i hope he sees this .
so he can go and read that post , and finally understand how i feel . ;P
we haven't been taking pictures haven't we ?
i guess i'm not in the mood for cam whoring these few days .
but i do hope that energy will come back soon , cause my blog is seriously lacking in visuals .
hahahas .
i've been having guests these few days , which is a good thing cause i'm normally alone at home now .
as dad's been working and all .
so yea , i'm a lonely child .
so i thank God for blessing me with friends who are there for me in my times of need .
thanks faith , for what happened on saturday .
you've brightened up my night and you've let me know that i have a friend like you .
i thank you .
i thank God , i thank everyone .
to end this post , i would want to ask for something .
if you're reading this , please grant me this tiny wish .
let me be your child , forever . ♥
let me be your child , forever . ♥
Labels: xoxo ; carmen♥
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
oh yea . i seriously need to change my blogskin . but i'm really lazy .
so it'll have to wait .
andddd .
okay.that's all for now .
byes . ;D
Labels: xoxo ; carmen♥
love is really in the air .

love . it's such a big word .
yet only one special meaning .
one that only we know it ourselves .
for me ,
love is a wonderful thing .
something magical .
yet disastrous at the same time .
but , for that wonderful feeling ,
i would give everything up .
just to get that feeling back again .
some may say i'm a sucker for love .
but i don't mind .
this is me and this is who i am .
why should i bother about what people says ?
i've been trying to follow this mentality for a very long time .
but it was hard .
but now , with the correct support from all my friends and family .
i've finally learned the true lesson .
i've learnt to accept and be happy with whatever thing i've got .
and try to make the best out of it .
;D hahahas .
seems like a good start to finally walk out of my comfort zone .
one which i've been a permanent resident for almost all my earth years .
i just hope i continue to get that support .hahas .
for the past week .
it seems like a great week to me .
even though there are some mis-understandings and quarrels ,
i manged to overcome each and every one of them .
and turned the whole situation back to how i should be .
it does takes two hands to clap .
i've learnt that too .
oh yea ! me and baby caught " the dark knight " with his friends on saturday night .
it was a great movie .
hahas . 2hours and 30mins . very worth it .
and heath ledger and christian bale's acting was really up to par ! ;D
ahahas .
oh yea . one more thing !
i've finally learnt how to play MAH-JONG !
on sunday , my church friends taught me how to play it .
hahas . i'm still quite lousy , but with practice , i'm sure i can ace it ! ;D
okay okay , back to the main topic .
love is really , REALLY in the air .
most of my friends have found their one true love .
and i hope that it lasts forever .
;D i really am happy for you guys ! ;D
hahahas .
and guess what ?!
this friday is our 5th month-aversary .
hahahahs . but we're not going to celebrate it .
cause he's busy with work and we didn't plan anything at all .
it's alright ! ;D we'll just make our half-aversary a BIG BIG ONE !
hahahas . okay , i got to head back to study now .
will post soon !
Labels: xoxo ; carmen♥
Monday, July 21, 2008
replies to tag .
supergirl-sharon ; abby
~ there ! i posted already ! hahahs . somemore in school . ;D loves !
~ hahas . love you too babe ! ;D
supergirl-faith[my favourite fatty]
~ hahahhahas . must read and tag my blog hor ! hahahas . loves ! ;D
Labels: xoxo ; carmen♥
Thursday, July 17, 2008
a letter . to you (:

i don't feel neglected .
i feel loved ,
i know you love me .
from the bottom of your heart .
i know you'll never do anything intentionally to hurt me .
i know you feel sad whenever i'm sad .
i know you want to always be there for me .
i know you're busy with work .
so busy that you barely had time to breathe .
i also know the reason behind all these .
because ,
you're working for a better future for the both of us .
you're working for me .
i love you ivan ng .
& thanks for your love .
thanks for the care .
thanks for the concern .
we're going to reach our goal for sure .
no doubt .
cause i'll always be by your side ♥
xoxo , your girlfriend ,
Labels: ilu ♥
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
omgosh . i'm so happy ! ;D
i edited the previous previous post . hahahs .
so yea . check it out ! ;D
there's some minor changes like names and all .
oh , and i'm blogging in school .
today two whole hours of f&n is free ! ;D
miss lin finally didn't come to school .
i was smiling like shit .
hahahas .
oh , and i had a great dream too ! will post about details later on .
ps . it'll be like a story ! ;D
hahahahas .
i'm a happy girl .
did i mention dumb too ?
i left my specs at home .
so now i can't see properly .
die luh .
why am i so blur and forgetful ?
ugh .
hahahahas . okay , that's all ! ;D
Labels: xoxo ; carmen♥
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
lesson learned .

After The Rain ,
The Sky Is Clear Again .
The Earth Is Beautiful Once More .
after all that has happened ..
i start to question the character a person possesses .
i thought character in oneself can never be changed .
but i guess i was wrong .
due to prolonged [radio-activeness ] one can change his or her character .
oh yea . and personality .
as the saying goes ,
twice bitten , shy no more .
or so i improvised . ;P
hahahas . so yea .
i finally know .
i really know .
and i'm finally aware .
i'm happy that i've stumbled into this part of my life .
where everything is finally clear .
black and white .
no more grey .
no more suspisions .
thank you Lord ♥ .
Labels: xoxo ; carmen♥
Monday, July 14, 2008
bye bye

after listening to mariah carey's "bye bye" repeatedly .
i realised , it's not time to say bye yet .
or never .
when someone dies , his or her spirit will always be with us .
in our hearts as we've already prepared a special place for each and everyone .
so they'll always be living in us .
forever and ever .
till the day we die and we finally get to see them again .
this time , reunited forever .
so everyone , look towards the sky .
look for the light .
look for that special place in your heart , and you'll always know that the special someone is living in your heart . forever and ever .
in loving memory of my beloved grandma ,
teng swee leng ,
i miss you . i love you . ♥
Labels: xoxo ; carmen♥
Sunday, July 13, 2008
hahahs . okay , so i'm not late !
hahahhas . happy birthday uncle yongjian ;D
may your muscles grow bigger every passing year !
hahahas . so you can live up to your "muscle man" name !
hahhas . enjoy ! ;D andddddd ,
xoxo, jiamin ;
your niece ♥
ps , alamak . i don't have any pictures of you ! next time must take some . ahahhas .
Labels: xoxo ; carmen♥
i'm finally not lazy to blog .

hahas . hello y'all ! ;D
i'm finally not lazy anymore . guess it's because it's been getting boring nowadays ;D
hahahs . my birthday's coming up so yea , mom's trying to get me a present .
but nothing seems to attract me leh . hahas .
she's buying a branded bag for me seeing i'm simply in love with bags .
hahas . i am in love with clothes but seeing she just bought me a bunch of new clothes ,
she decided that i need bags to match with the outift .
hahas . ;D
i simply love going out with my mom . just the two of us .
cause we can like hang out , talk , shop and just do whatever we want .
i'm really close to my mom so yea .
we went shopping last last week i think ..
and she bought me tons of stuff !
i bought stuff for myself too ;D
and there's this crazy sale at Divas .
it's like all the accersories are on super crazy sale !
hahahahs . i got like 5 items and they only cost me 3dollars each ! ;D
hahahahas . i saved like 20 dollars ?
okay . if i continue on like this , i think it'll be a 3 page long essay .
hahahahs . oh yea ! OURVE4 was great ! ;D
hahahs . baby went to meet me and my friends after the performance ended ;D
everyone clicked well with him too ! ;DD
i am a very happy girl !
ahahhas . baby also bought me a superman shirt from DC comics too !
i really love him a lot . i'm glad i have him in my life ;D
{ i love you ivan ng ♥ }
Labels: xoxo ; carmen♥
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
blogging in school ;D
hahahs . hey ! ;D
i'm currently in school now having food and nutrition class .
it's a whole 2 hours ! T.T
but today's lesson is relatively okay luh .
cause we're studying on diets today .
hahahs . quite fun .
oh yea , and miss lin bought us heinz baby food today !
guess what ? she gave me my favourite !
hahahas . and then there's the egg thingy which tasted like whipped cream so it wasn't really yummy . then jutlandia took the macaroni one . hahahas . quite nice but wayyy too bland . hahahas . okay my main reason here is to put this link up so i won't forget !
Labels: xoxo ; carmen♥
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
tired . tired . even more tired .
basically . i'm really tired . so i'm not going to blog .
sorry you guys . i'll update when i have the mood to do so .
Labels: very very tired
Thursday, July 3, 2008
drifting apart .
what's the purpose of having friends and being one ?
i guess it is to always be there for each other and all .
but someone rather , this doesn't really apply much to the friends i thought i had .
they call me their friends . but i feel not .
i treat them as though they're like my own family .
they make use of me .
i feel hurt . and nobody even bothers to ask how was i feeling .
sure , they're there only when someone from my family leaves me for a better place .
but after all the hoo-ha , they don't bother anymore .
i feel that it's difficult to blend in . i'm like a big toe sticking out of nowhere .
somehow , they started to forget about me .
forget that i was once their friend .
once their family .
once their confidante .
all of them says that we're one big family .
but to me , i feel more like an outcast .
i really have been drifting apart from them .
i sincerely want to change to a different enviroment .
but i don't have the guts and i just can't bear to leave ..
it just feels like the only real true friends i have are those from school and the friends i make outside .
not those whom i've grown up with .
seems funny eh ?
but it's not . and these are all true .
it's weird . but that's the way of life .
life is hard . and i'm learning everyday to cope with all the task and problems .
i'm happy to have friends who care and i thank you all dearly .
from the bottom of my heart .
that means royce , faith , laura , saeyeon , kimzy , yishan , khai , edward , dominic , shouyat , sharon , maingkun , kaiting , yongjian , yongjing and lots more .
i love you guys ;D
Labels: xoxo ; carmen♥
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
pimple queen ;D

wow ! this week is kinda fun , interesting and exciting ! hahas .
so many things happened in just 3 days .
i shan't say the exciting thing cause it may offend someone . and afterall ,
this is no private blog . so yea . but to those who were involved too ,
"she's a freaking bitch ." hahaha . ;D
ooooookay . yea , i just found out today that my f&n coursework must finish research by this week . then next week is decision planning ..
i got to "chiong" like a mad woman .
hahas . oh yea , laura came over to my house two days ago .
we had lots of fun too ! hahahas . we even went down to the pasar malam near my house to walk walk .
hahahahahas . i am also in love with david cook and david archuleta .
they're super hot luh ..
yishan's blog has this song called "always be my baby [david cook's version]" and i'm totally hooked to it .
i find this song has a very special meaning ;D
okay , i went web hopping and i found this commercial for guitar heroes in the U.S .
and guess who are the celebs in this ad ?
below's the link , go check it out !
okay . i'm going to end soon but one last thing .
this friday is our school concert called the OUERVE .
yea , and i'm going with my gurlfriends;D
hope it turns out great and that i'm not wasting my 12bucks .
hahahahas .
loveloves ♥,
Labels: xoxo ; carmen♥